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In this Our Children article, the Truth Initiative teamed up with National Parent–Teacher Association to offer parents and schools the most important information about youth vaping and nicotine. Read “ 5 Things You Need to Know About Youth Vaping“ So, what can educators and parents do? Check out these five great resources on the latest in vaping prevention and quit resources 1. More than one-third couldn’t recognize the device at all. Unfortunately, according to a Truth Initiative study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine near the start of the epidemic, fewer than half – 44.2% ­– of parents could identify a picture of JUUL (the most popular vaping device at the time) as a type of e-cigarette. Influential adults are responsible for providing students support and information to stay vape-free or the tools to quit if they are already vaping. Understanding why young people are using vaping products points to the critical role parents, teachers, and school administrators play in the health and well-being of their students. To make things worse, they can deliver much higher concentrations of addictive nicotine than regular cigarettes, leading to a new generation of addicted tobacco users. Driving their popularity is a discreet and high-tech look. According to a 2020 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 5 high school-age kids now say that they use e-cigarettes, and many falsely believe the products are safe. School-age kids are using vaping devices at an alarming rate.

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